Monday, November 13, 2006

Engineers Without Borders Blogs

I've been sent to South Africa as a volunteer with Engineers Without Borders-UK (EWB-UK) and I've just stumbled on some more EWB volunteer blogs which you might be interested in...
Building Wind Turbines in the Philippines
You've gotta check this one out cos he's working with SIBAT, who I voluntered with as a VSO volunteer 2 years ago - There's even a photo of the first wind turbine that I helped to build and paint!
Havana Water Project
Eco-Sanitation in India
Working with Farmers in Zambia
This one is a bit old though.
Working with Farmers in Ghana
A token EWB-USA blog
From Womens Development to pasteurising tomatoes!
A couple of blogs from EWB-Canada
A US Peace Corps Volunteer setting up a computer centre in Togo

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