Monday, October 09, 2006

Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away..

Ok, so my mate Steve has got a cool blog about his 'soil-based fun' so I thought that I might give it a shot too! For those who don't know me, I'm a Civil Engineering gradute from Bath, UK and I'm volunteering with Engineers Without Borders-UK in the wonderful town of Jozini, in Kwa Zulu Natal, in South Africa.

I'm working on a loo-building project at the moment; in the area in which I live the South African government has a backlog of 85,000 outdoor toilets which it wants to build for people who currently don't have one.

The problem (as I see it) is that they can't be build the things fast enough. The government hires builders to build the loos out of concrete blocks and they are of a pretty bad standard, and take too long to put up make. The builders don't make much money out of them, which may explain why a lot of them are of a pretty shabby quality.

So... For the past 6 weeks or so I've been working on a design which uses a plastic fibre mesh-reinforced concrete panels (Textile Concrete) for the walls, roof and pit-lining and a dome-shaped slab (which I found on a website about low cost sanitation) to go over the pit.

Anyway, I just thought I'd write this as a record of how it all goes!


Anonymous said...

Nice bogs bro. Is the dome a roof?

Gareth said...

nah, its the slab. Zoe reckons I should add a diagram of the whole thing. I think she's right!

Anonymous said...

When I worked in Maputo in early 1980's they had a big programme of producing slabs for VIP latrines.

These are Ventilated Improved Pit latrines.

I was surprised when I went to your blog to see that your design doesn't have the ventilation pipe.

Googling found a pdf describing VIP latrines on

As well as odour control the ventilation design is also helpful in controlling flies and diseases spread by flies. Are your latrines ventilated?

from BH

Gareth said...

Thanks for your comment, you didn't work with Bjorn Bradberg did you? He is a Swedish guy who was also working in Maputo in the 1980's. He tells me that they have 100% sanitation coverage there now!

I think I'd better improve my diagram! It will have the ventilation pipe that you mentioned. I think I'll post something about how it works.

Thanks again


Anonymous said...

Well I'm no expert on latrines but just wanted to say I like the blog and looks like you're doing a great job.

Good luck in all things loo,
Your mango buddy,